The end of the visit was a little eventful - after having spent three days in beautiful sunshine drinking gin on my parent's deck and generally messing about at the zoo and other sunny spots, Wednesday dawned dark and cold. We set off to go swimming and by the time we left, the sun had been replaced by snow. A foot of it over the day, to be precise. We had to dig out the driveway and make a snow train engine, it was completely nutso.
My parents live out in the Canadian wilds in the foothills between Alberta and British Columbia. Being avid birdwatchers, their place is surrounded by massive bird tables on which, outside of bear season (they've had bear and cougar on their back deck so removal of edible substances during wakey-uppy season is a Good Thing) they liberally sprinkle seeds and fat logs. One of the results of this is that they've built up a community of woodpeckers both Downy and, er, the other one... anyway, at any given moment one can see between one and five woodpeckers just sort of hanging about in the trees off the deck. In the snow they were brilliant, sometimes the only thing moving (or in this case, flirting) in the white. Charlie of course ignored this natural spectacle as all he wanted to do was to read about, talk about or build trains of varying descriptions, snowy, downy or just plain trainy.
Anyway, it was a wonderful visit and here are a few choice shots to prove it.
The Easter Egg Hunt with Uncle Hoto and Auntie Shell:
Out walking the dog
Loving his playhouse with Nori ("Lolly, wait!")
Avoiding the elephants
Now if we can just get him to stop waking up at 1am we'll be fine...