Monday, June 26, 2006


Things are slowing down, which is probably the wrong way around. I feel as though there's not enough time left in my life. Not enough space. Not enough of me left to last - and I'm slowing down, wasting what I have left, watching the days drip by, thing after thing.

All the things that have to be done are so relentlessly unappealing but all the things I want to do seem impossible, every demand on my time is like bamboo under the fingernails. I need to drift and be rudderless for a while but it's impossible, the course is unremittingly set. There's not enough time and there may never again be enough time.

and there's so much more to say.


Hoto said...

There once was a sister named Steph
Who dreamed every night of her death
She'd wake with a start,
Loose an astonishing fart,
And make Hubby D hold his brethes

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