I may be struck down for saying this but my son has been asleep since 8pm, it's a goddamned miracle. Of a type. Did he have a nap? No. Did I run his little tush off in the playground? Yes. Did he have four mates over for a playdate this afternoon? Yes. Did I stuff him full of carbs at dinner to make him sleepy? Yes. Did I sneak 'relaxing aromatherapy' bubbles into his bath? Check. Did I read every book on his shelf that ends with the lead character fast asleep? Indeedy.
Did I have to hold him down while he shouted 'NO SLEEP DON'T WANT IT DON'T WANT IT NO SLEEP DON'T WANT IT' until he gave up and then did I cave in to his demands and cramp myself next to him in his cot until he was actually snoring?
Just maybe.
We're having a strange time at the moment (I see I have reverted to the Royal we recently, as opposed to the royal wee although both are appropriate). Our little spud is resisting food and sleep and the toilet and pretty much anything that might possibly cave in under resistance. The frog, who is a pushover, has NO chance therefore and has been abused so much in the past three days that it's a wonder he's still living under the same roof.
Perhaps it's a function of growing older and realising that actually, one is a separate organism to one's aged Ps and therefore ought to be able to do exactly as one wishes; coupled with the realisation that one is in control of almost nothing, including one's own body. Perhaps it's a growth in imagination and things that were once innocent are imbued with the menace of shape, sound and monsters under the bead. Perhaps it's just that with the new nursery being larger and with fewer carers per head that the spud is finding out for the first time what it is like to struggle to get attention or to be noticed or to behave in a place where there are more rules.
Who knows what it is. I hope it passes soon though as I worry that these clouds that pass through him and around him are the first of the many that will leave their heavy touch on him over the years and while he has to grow up and come to terms with the reality of human existance, I'd rather spare him as long as I can.
Poor little spud. Doesn't sound as if he's having the best time at the moment which must be a worry for you, but they all have their moments and their little phases which seem very worrying, but they pass with time. My daughter uses food when she wants to make a point, and also refusing to use the toilet. All is well at the moment though. Wouldn't it just be easier if they could communcate through speech instead? Plenty of time for that I suppose.
I am sorry to hear that it's been so rough for him lately, Sparx. And I completely agree with you about trying to keep the clouds away as long as possible. It would be nice to protect them from some of the difficulties that will inevitably confront them.
"Perhaps it's a function of growing older and realising that actually, one is a separate organism to one's aged Ps and therefore ought to be able to do exactly as one wishes; coupled with the realisation that one is in control of almost nothing, including one's own body."
'We' are living this life, but you say it so beautifully... I'm just going to sit here and bask it the glow of your words for a while, at least, until my kid wakes up again, insisting on toast and cartoons or a bath or wanting to feed his lizard at 2am.
Hehe - great minds think alike. I sprinkle lavender oil in the bath, on his sheets and in his vicinity in general trying to get him to calm down at bedtime! It works, sometimes. Next stop, ether.
We once drugged our sleepless little darling with stuff obtained from a sympathetic GP... He slept solidly for 24 hours... this scared the crap out of us... so it was back to the late night walks and days without sleep... You can't win you know.
I remember at the preschool I worked at, there was a kid whose parents sent him in with this chapstick to put on his lips before nap. It was supposed to have a calming smell or "something". It worked every time, and this was a kid who up until that point rarely napped. WHY didn't I write down the name of that stuff? Please don't throw things at me.
Child #3 didn't sleep or eat for years, it's very difficult.
And now of course I look so glamorous and young...what? bags under my eyes? how dare you!
Jonathan is also in the stage where he wants to refuse everything he is asked to do or needs to do for his own good. It is as if we are cutting his leg off for goodness sake when we are only trying to give him his antibiotic. And sleep? Yeah....well, that is always an adventure in our house. Getting to that point anyhow.
Awwwwwwwwwww....such a poingnant and heartfelt post. xo
This too will pass :-)
Fair play regarding the bedtime coercion scene (at least i hope so...for my sake). There have been times when I've had Kirsty and Phil from "Relocation Relocation" screaming for my attention alongside a pint of Ben & Jerry's 'Phish Food' and it is all I can do not to toss the little monsters into their beds from the doorway and yell 'Niiiiiitey-Niiiiite Dahhhhhhhlings' as I hightail it down to the telly. Shameful. True.
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