Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The yearbook pic...

The yearbook pic... I don't think I had a single good one, although by the last year of school I had mastered at least the art of gentle makeup and hair and may even have found a decent photo angle, so it probably sucks less than the others... however pretty much every earlier one is absolutely rubbish.

My favourite is this one; my first ever, as far as I know.  Note the impossible hair, the gappy teeth and the askew school tie... and the slouch, ever the slouch...

Anyway, this is my entry for Tara Cain's 'Bloggers Yearbook' - although I suspect I may be quite a bit too late to actually get in.  I don't mind really, I'm quite keen to see everyone else's though.

What blows me away slightly about this is that this is me, aged about 2 years older than my own son is at the moment... which means that in a few years I'll be posting this up side-by-side to his one. Actually I'll be posting his next to one of my brother at the same age - scary.

Anyone fancy posting me a link to theirs?


That's Not My Age said...

Er, no! My school photos suck too. Nice ringlets!

Thug in a Cocktail Dress said...

nice pic for all the wrong reasons!!

Sparx said...

That's Not My Age - I bet they didn't... I quite like the idea though.

Thug - er... now I'm worried...!

Fat Mummy said...

your son will be the same age in two years, but i bet you remember yourself at that age like it was yesterday. time is a weird thing. how profound i am :-)

Sparx said...

Fat Mummy - but it's true - I do remember it, really well. I remember pretty much everything about that school, my friends, the routines - but not so much about the schools after that - the first time for anything really sticks in one's head, hey?