Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Always keep something back...

We're having negotiation. We've having a lot of failed negotiations to tell the truth. They go a lot like this:

"I want a biscuit."

"You have to eat your dinner first."

"No I want a biscuit!"

"Dinner first."


"Dinner AND THEN a biscuit."

"Dinner AND a biscuit."

"Dinner first."

"No I want a biscuit!"

"Do you want to go to bed."

"No I want dinner."


"And a biscuit."


Michelle said...

I have had this very conversation today with my two year old. Although he was craving a lollipop instead of a biscuit. What is a Mom to do?

Sparx said...

Michelle - Stiff upper lip and stick to your guns!!! That's what I say anyway. Doesn't always work mind you but what's a bit of screaming to an experienced Mum?!!

Metropolitan Mum said...

Little L seems to change her appetite/cravings for food every day. I am so happy she can't speak just yet. Just when I think I found something she liked, next time she'll go 'eeeeeeehhhhhh' with her high-pitched voice, lips tightly closed. Sigh.

Sparx said...

MM - Oh, I remember that... the clenched mouth, the shriek, the elbows and shoulders fending off the spoon... at least we can negotiate now, even if biscuits do get an abnormal amount of requests...

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Never negotiate with a 3-year old when death is on the line....er...I mean...when biscuits are on the line.

Sparx said...

Lisa - indeed... biscuits means business!

cynthia said...

hahaha ... I think we're running parallel lives ... all of us with -year-olds.

Sparx said...

SAHM - I know, kinda proves 'nature' over 'nurture' for most of life, hey?

Maternal Tales said...

Oh sweetie - this is so me - every day with Edie. Every bloody day. I'm trying to pick my battles - ie, not say no unless I absolutely have to because otherwise she gets round me and I give in and she knows just waht to do. It's really quite hideous. You have my empathy darling - and a ton of it xxx

Helen said...

Are you sure you're not having dinner at my house? We have almost the exact same conversation every single evening.

cactus petunia said...

That sounds like dialog from a Marx Bros. movie!